Time management 4.
Stress management

Good stress, bad stress, and your personal stress curve and action plan.

Course description:

We begin by making a personal stress analysis. You will learn how to identify signs of good and bad stress and understand who is affected and why. In addition, you will learn what effects stress can have on you and what underlying causes leads to stress. Above all, you will learn what you can do about stress and how you will learn to live with it. The day ends by you initiating your personal action plan.

Target group:

Supervisors, managers, employees and everybody who needs to learn more about stress management.




Preparations before the course, diagnosis, feasibility study. Energetic lectures supported by slide shows, handouts for your records, group work and role play.

Course documents available for download to iPad or computer:

  • Comprehensive course documentation with, slides, checklists, templates and exercises.
  • Literature: The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) [Kindle Edition].
  • Diploma obtained after completed training.


What is stress and how it arises

  • Stress analysis.
  • Stress management.
  • Good and bad stress.
  • What personality types are affected.
  • Your basic tension.
  • Are you reactive.
  • How feelings influence thoughts.
  • Signs of stress.
  • Correlation between stress and lack of ability to say no.
  • Attendance – here but elsewhere.
  • What happens in the body during stress and what are the effects.
  • Does anyone else control your life.
  • Our internal and external requirements, the perfectionist, the control freak, all must haves.
  • Where is the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable stress?


  • Structure.
  • Tips and practical tools.
  • How do you break the pattern.
  • Prevention.
  • Strategies for stress management.
  • Urgent and important.
  • Toolbox for planning.
  • Practical advice and tips for better sleep, diet, energy, wellbeing and good health.
  • Your motivators.
  • Current state and desired state.
  • How to activate your recovery system.
  • To change your behavior.
  • Self-image – Take control of your mental attitude.
  • Find the balance between fast-pace and relaxation.

We make a personal change plan.